Conformity: The Power of Social Influences Review

At the beginning of the book Conformity: The Power of Social Influences Review by Cass Sunstein, you get a sense of what you are getting with the book as he explains its beginning was a lecture he delivered at the Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Lectures at Havard Law School. So you are getting a book that well reads like what you would expect with that. The subject of the book is conformity and dissent and its impact on society, with a fair amount of focus on the law and courts. The book is rather light on details. The book isn’t exactly a page turner, but the book is short enough, the copy I read had 151 pages, so isn’t a long slog.

The book Why Societies Need Dissent is based on the same lecture, so if you read that, it probably is similar to this book.


If the subject of conformity and dissent and its impact on society sounds interesting, it is worth a read, even if drags a bit.

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